Simulation Workshop
- For small, medium or large organizations in production, fabrication, maintenance or refurbishment; mass production or job shop environments
- Co-Developed with the Toyota Supplier Support Center (TSSC)
Workshop Objectives
A hands on simulation workshop for senior leadership and continuous improvement practitioners to learn:
- The step by step implementation process for TPS / continuous improvement in any organization or industry
- Common challenges & solutions
- The central role of leadership in successful cultural transformation
Workshop Format
- Approximately 1 day (6-8 hours)
- Mixture of presentation and simulation, with 5 presenters and up to 40 audience members, with direct hands-on interaction
- TPS / Continuous Improvement in Six Steps
- Traditional / Batch Production
- Continuous Flow
- Takt Time / Standardized Work
- Pull Systems
- Small Lot
- Heijunka (smoothing)
- Leading in a Culture of Continuous Improvement

To learn more about the TPS Simulation Workshop can help start your journey to true north, send us an email!